Guaranteed standard of gold quality

Canning factory

The company "Kublei" is the leader of the domestic market of meat, canned fish, having no equal in quality and competitiveness of products on the market. Modern production facilities and applied advanced technologies make it possible to produce hundreds of thousands of cans, an assortment of over 100 types of high-quality products that do not contain food additives and GMOs.

Meat processing complex

Slaughter shop is designed for two lines for cattle and cattle. The capacity of cattle is 250 heads per shift, sheep 700. The capacity of the IPC is calculated for 10,000 tons of meat per year. The workshops are fully automated, European equipment is installed.




Bone flour

Kazakh" beef 330 g.

Kazakh" beef 240 g.

Caspian sprat

Pink salmon natural with oil

Bream natural blanched in oil

Beef stew "Кублей" 325

Tomato paste glass jar (730 grams)

Cod liver Murmansk style 240 g. (Easy Open cover)

Natural cod liver 160 g. (Easy Open cover)

Natural cod liver 240 g. (Easy Open cover)

Natural tuna

Caspian mullet with added oil (Easy Open)

Sardine blanched in oil

Beef stew "Кублей"

Condensed milk with boiled sugar 8.5% NEW!

Condensed milk with sugar 8.5% NEW!

Concentrated sterilized milk 8.6% NEW!

Tomato paste glass jar (520 grams)

Tomato paste glass jar (370 grams)

Tomato paste glass jar (270 grams)

Tomato paste (Easy Open lid - 130 grams)

Natural beans (white)

Natural Beans (Red)

Canned green peas

Canned sugar corn from whole grains

Carp roasted in tomato sauce

Baltic sprat undivided in tomato sauce (Easy Open lid)

Baltic sprat undivided in tomato sauce

Herring blanched in oil

Blanched mackerel in oil

Sardinella blanched in oil

Pacific saury natural with oil

Atlantic natural herring with added oil (Easy Open cover)

Atlantic natural herring with added oil

Atlantic mackerel natural with the addition of oil (Easy Open cover)

Atlantic mackerel natural with oil

Natural Sardinella with added oil (Easy Open cover)

Natural Sardinella with added oil

Atlantic Natural Sardine with Oil (Easy Open Cap)

Atlantic natural sardine with oil

Lamb kuyrdak

Sprats in oil (Easy Open cover)

Sprats in oil, large

Sprats in oil

Chicken ventricles, hearts liver stewed in their own juice

Chicken gizzards in own juice

Chicken hearts in own juice

Beef kuyrdak

Beef liver in its own juice

Beef heart in own juice

Sprat pate

Chicken Meat Pate (Easy Open Lid)

Chicken Liver Pate (Easy Open Lid)

Pate liver with butter (Easy Open cover)

Meat pate (Easy Open lid)

Chicken wings in white sauce

Chicken wings in "Adjika" tomato sauce

Chicken wings in "Chili" tomato sauce

Chakhokhbili from chicken

Chicken in own juice

Top grade lamb stew

Shuzyk (Easy Open cover)

Kaza to beshbarmak (Easy Open Cover)

Horse meat stew "Kublei"

Beef goulash

Beef stew "Kublei"

Beef stew premium PREMIUM (Easy Open lid)

Peas with meat NEW!

Fish cutlets with tomato sauce

Meatballs (meat) in broth

Meatballs (meat) in tomato sauce

Beans with beef (red)

Beans with beef (white)

Plov (Easy Open Cover)


Kazakh meat

Beef Pasta (Easy Open Lid)

Beef Pasta

Rice porridge with beef

Buckwheat porridge with beef

Pearl barley with beef

Lagman Classic (Easy Open Cover) NEW!

Beef stewed potatoes (Easy Open lid) NEW!

Meat in Kazakh (Easy Open lid) NEW!

Classic lagman

Potatoes stewed with beef

New products

meat processing complex



chronology of events for the whole field of activity


Establishment of the enterprise LLP "Kublei". (Capacity 5,000 cans per shift)


Modernization of equipment of LLP "Kublei". (Capacity 20,000 cans per shift)


Construction of a new plant. (Capacity 100,000 cans per shift)



Opening of the automated can producing shop


Opening of own production laboratory


Opening of the Meat Processing Complex


Opening of a new plant (Capacity 200,000 cans per shift)


The opening of the workshop for the production of feed flour for farm animals, with capacity 20 tons per day, was at the Meat - Processing Complex.


The opening of a workshop for processing of hides of cattle

Prizes and awards

(копия 5)

Industry Leader 2020


(копия 3)

Лидер качества 2020


Letter of Appreciation


Quality Day 2019


Letter of Appreciation


The best exporter of the West Kazakhstan region 2018

The Altyn Sapa Prize

The best taxpayer of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017

The Altyn Sapa Prize

Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, national award for achievements in the field of quality.


national quality mark

Industry Leader 2015

Сала көшбасшысы

Letter of Appreciation


"The best goods of Kazakhstan"

Sapaly Onim - 2013

Letter of Appreciation

Holiday "Day of the cook"


InterFood Siberia 2013

Tasting quality contest



Great people!


Letter of Appreciation

Letter of Appreciation

Sapaly Onim

«World Food Moscow»


Increase the efficiency of the enterprise.


Map of partners

Consumer characteristics of canning products of LLP "Kublei" are highly appreciated by residents of countries with a variety of taste traditions. To date, LLP "Kublei" has official representatives in countries such as:





Contact phone

Working hours


ТОО «Global Wine Kostanay»

г. Костанай, улица Карбышева, 42


пн-пт с 9:00 до 18:00

2ТОО «Аль-Асад»г. Кызылорда, ул.Училищная 21 "А"al-asad2004@mail.ru8(7242)278934пн-пт С 8:30 до 19:00 суб. с 8:30 до 17:00


г. Тараз, ул Мамбет батыра 19/6

8 7262 57 79 31

пн-пт с 09:00 до 18:00

4ТОО "Sity Trade"г. Усть-Каменогорск, ул. Базовая 7/4direktor@sitytrade.kz87058338262пн-пт с 08:00 до 17:00
5ТОО «Актау Дария Сервис»г. Актау, 27 мкр, дом 85/1, кабинет 302dariya_12-6@mail.ru8(7292)331227пн-пт с 09:00 до 18:00 суб. с 09:00 до 13:00
6ТОО «АНВАР»г. Актобе, ул.Есет-Батыра, 107/
8-7132-444-777 доб.1016пн-пт с 9-00 до 18-00
7ТОО «Союз ТМ»г. Павлодар, ул.Суворова 11soyztm@mail.ru8(7182)617458, 87012039748, 87772988390пн.-пт с 09:00 по 18:00, суб с 09:00 по 14:00
8ТОО «Алтын Арай Астана»г. Нур-Султан, ул. Сейфуллина, 27/, +7(775)9290161пн-пт с 09:00 до 18:00
9ТОО «Жебе Жан»г. Шымкент, ул.Конституция
пн-пт с 09:00 до 18:00 суб. с 10:00 до 14:00
10ИП Мамилина Р.К. (ТК "ПродМир")г. Кокшетау ул.Кенесары 50tkprodmir@inbox.ru8(7162)40-20-53, 8-747-797-67-10пн-пт с 09:00 до 18:00
11ТОО «Компания ALE»г. Петропавловск, ул.Ауэзова 247 аalecompany.piter@mail.ru8(7152)40-07-18, 8(7152)40-07-52пн-пт с 09:00 до 18:00
12ИП «Нугманов Н.С.»г. Атырау, Торговая База,ул. Азаттык,116 А, Офис К5, Склад К
87014342674, 87016676768пн-суб с 9:00 до 18:00
13ИП «KUB Trade»г. Алматы, Ул.Шагабутдинова, д.4, кв.5kubley02kz@mail.ru8(7272) 44-87-67Пн-пт с 8:00 до 17:00
14ИП «Алиахметов А.Г.»г. Балхаш, ул.Язева, 10urs1981@list.ru8(71036)67594, 8(71036)45477вт-вс с 09:00 до 18:00
15ТОО «UMIT 2017»г. Караганда ул. Молокова, стр-е 117/ (7212)909-164Пн-пт с 09:00 до 18:00
16ТОО "ZHIGER TRADE"г.Жезказган, адрес:  ул.Садовое кольцо ст-е 1332

+7 707 145 04 45

пн-пт с 09:00 по 18:00
17ТОО «Yniti»г. Семей, ул.О.Кошевого 30Аalira-2004@ya.ru87470521471Пн-пт с 09:00 по 18:00
18ТОО «SkyHill»г. Талдыкорган,  ул. Д. Ракишева 18v.belyaev@skyhill.kz8 777 243 98 60пн-пт. с 8:00 до 18:00

ОсОО «Гранд Компании»

Кыргызская  Республика г. Бишкек, ул. Байтик Баатыра д. 17/2 блок 2, кв.21

+996 312 48 31 33

пн-пт с 08:30 до 18:00
20ООО «APPER-FOOD»Республика Узбекистан, г.Ташкент, Сергелийский район, Зийнат МФЙ, Сергели 7 мавзеси, 64-уй, 7-хонадон;


+99899-899-01-10; +77015184085

пн-пт с 09:00 до 18:00