Meat processing complex

Meat processing complex is modern meat processing enterprise, installed with all the necessary European equipment for producing high-quality products of a fairly wide assortment.

Meat processing complex consists of:

  • slaughterhouse
  • workshop for processing offal
  • boning workshop
  • packing workshop
  • workshop for waste disposal
  • workshop for processing hides       

Deep processing of raw materials is one the perspective priority trend for the development of our company.

The complex is equipped with various types of refrigerated warehouses, cameras, and climatized premises with different temperature and humidity.

Daily at the meat processing complex, around 250 heads of cattle and 700 heads of small cattle are slaughtered per shift, that are grown in ecologically clean regions of West Kazakhstan Region.

Whole assortment constitutes up to 50 names of frozen products.

At the enterprise, Food Safety Management Systems are based on ST RK ISO 22000:2006, that is the guarantee of safety and good quality of finished product.

Also the production of products complies with the EU standard HALAL – 01:2012 “General requirements for the production, manufacture, processing, storage, transportation and implementation products “HALAL” and international standards IS 1500:2004, IS 1500:2009 “Guidelines for the production, manufacture, processing and storing products “HALAL”.

The own program of multilayered quality control was elaborated at the meat processing complex. In this chain, each element of the production process is involved, starting from the warehouse for the animal registry, finishing with a warehouse of finished products.

Quality control system includes:

  1. entry control of animals (primary raw material) and materials
  2. control over compliance with technological processes
  3. own license laboratory control of finished products by employees


The complex is equipped with a modern system of wastewater cleaning and own treatment facilities. The water is purified to the level of household-drinking water, according to the requirements of the sanitary norms of Kazakhstan.


  • Transparency of transactions.
  • Possible delivery of livestock transport buyer.
  • Guaranteed payment-cash and non-cash.
  • The representative of the supplier may be present at the slaughter.
  • We offer long-term cooperation, we guarantee constant volumes of purchase of cattle.
  • If necessary, we prepare documents for obtaining subsidies.

Canning factory

The company "Kublei" is the leader of the domestic market of meat, canned fish, having no equal in quality and competitiveness of products on the market. Modern production facilities and applied advanced technologies make it possible to produce hundreds of thousands of cans, an assortment of over 100 types of high-quality products that do not contain food additives and GMOs.